How to report a website with illegal activities?

In this tutorial I will teach you how to report a website related to pornography and that has illegal content with different methods to report abuse

Hosting provider:

The easiest and most efficient way to report illegal content is to contact the website hosting provider since they are the owners of the server where the website is being hosted and where the illegal content is stored.

All hosting providers have an email to contact the abuse team and others have contact forms for these cases.

To get the IP address of a website you can use tools like DNS Checker or DNS Lookup and then go to IPInfo to get the abuse email address.

Cloudflare Form:

Most websites use Cloudflare, Cloudflare is not the hosting provider. is a cybersecurity company to protect websites from computer attacks by bots

Cloudflare has an abuse report form to report illegal content such as DMCA, CSAM or non-consensual pornography. Completing this form is more advisable than sending an email to cloudflare

When you complete the cloudflare form, cloudflare will send you a confirmation email and a few hours later will send you information from the original hosting provider of the website that is your target

Domain provider:

The domain provider is the company that allowed the domain registration of any website in the world, contacting the support or abuse team of the domain provider is easy, you just need to go to WHOIS

Using the ICANN tool you can obtain WHOIS results for most domains, in the “register information” section the name of the email provider appears, this is the provider of the domain

You can also use the WHOIS tool for domains from countries or not so common domains. in WHOIS records you can easily collect the email address of the domain provider’s abuse team

contact the website owner:

This is the last option and it is not recommended to do this. If you were a victim or want to initiate actions to eliminate a victim’s content, it is not advisable to report the content to the website administrator.

because? The administrator may be complicit in this, be the person who uploaded it to the internet, or not care and ignore your email. Not to mention that by having your email, you can be a potential victim of doxxing.

Still, if you want to do it or trust that the webmaster of the website is not evil, I will teach you how to contact the webmaster of the website and how to do it safely to protect your privacy on the internet.

contact the website administrator with WHOIS:

One way to obtain an email from a website admin is to use WHOIS. All whois records have a way to contact the website admin, even those that use the WHOIS privacy tool. In the following article I explain how to do it.

Privacy & Security:

If you contact the owner of the website, it is better that you take care of your identity in case the administrator does not want to help you and is complicit in a crime. One way to protect yourself is to use a disposable email on email providers like ProtonMail or Tutanota