OSINTGuardian is a website where we carry out investigations of people and entities that in one way or another are connected to organized crime linked to pedophile networks.

Frantech Solutions is a bulletproof hosting company, which hosts different websites related to pedophilia and pedophile networks. including different pedophile forums like CumOnPrintedPics. Frantech Solutions is a company that provides offshore hosting services to criminals, this company has no physical address or offices and only one person is the owner, his name is Francisco Humberto Dias

Francisco calls himself a “visionary” of the hosting industry and a person with great ideas according to the description he wrote about himself on buyvm.com. This research would have a timeline where the different topics of this article will be shown, the timeline will be at the end of the article.
This company called BuyVM hosts many websites related to pedophilia, they ignore reports of abuse that these clients exist and they refuse to suspend the account of these pedophiles and are complicit in all of this. The list of pedophile clients is long, clients who pay this company to provide them with bulletproof servers so as not to be suspended for promoting pedophilia and Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).
Pedophiles use symbols with different meanings to recognize each other. In 2007, a document from the FBI was published where these symbols were shown to the public for the first time.

Knowing these symbols and what they mean will be the key to understanding how some clients of this bulletproof hosting & offshore hosting company communicate.
BoyChat forum or better known as “the oldest pedophile forum on the internet” has been hosted by buyvm for many years. a disgusting forum where pedo come together to talk sexually about children.

Just by looking at the DNS records of the website, the name Frantech Solutions appears everywhere next to the IP address of the website. For more than a decade, pedophiles and sexual predators exchanged messages on this pedophile forum called boychat.
CumOnPrintedPics is the name of a forum where pedophiles and sexual predators distributed child pornography and non-consensual pornography. The domain was suspended in March 2023.

At the end of April of that same year, the owner of the pedophile forum opened the forum again but with the name “publictributes” until the beginning of June where it was suspended by NForce. The owner of the forum blackmailed victims of revenge pornography for the elimination of non-consensual pornography, if they did not send money to the owner the illegal content would remain active
The original domain of the pedophile forum was cumonprintedpics.com but the domain was suspended, months after this the owner of the forum changed the name of the pedophile forum to “TributePrintedPics”. This pedophile forum is very famous, media such as FOX, The Bloomberg, VICE, TheJournal and even international media from New Zealand.
- Revenge porn website charging girls CASH to take stolen photos down
- Laws Against Deepfake Porn Don’t Exist
- Cum Tributes: Women Are Getting Harassed Online in a Gross New Way
There is also different information available that exposes the activities on COPP, how the administrator of the pedophile forum benefited from the child exploitation and blackmail of revenge porn victims.
- Shut Down Site Hosting Illegal Activities Including Child Porn
- CumOnPrintedPics: the dark forum that does a lot of damage to the childs and revenge porn victims
NAMBLA is a pro-pedophile organization that for years has fought and been an activist for the legalization of pedophilia in the world along with child sexual abuse. This pro-pedophile orgs has been repeatedly accused of being linked to child sex trafficking and the disappearance of children in the USA

For years this organization dedicated itself to defending pedophiles who were arrested for child sexual abuse, even the series “South Park” made a parody of this organization and these situations. You can find more info about the atrocities that NAMBLA has done in the history of humanity by reading on Wikipedia
NAMBLA was a client of Frantech Solutions from 2021 to 2024, for 3 years this pro-pedophile organization paid BuyVM (Frantech Solutions) to host the pedophile organization’s website. In the year 2022 I sent an abuse report to the Frantech Solutions (BuyVM) team but I did not see any response, so I registered for bulletproof hosting and contacted sales support. There I reported an abuse report, to my innocence I thought that no one from BuyVM knew that NAMBLA was their client. but Francisco Dias answered me (CEO of Frantech) and refused to suspend the service
boylinks is a website where a member of the BoyLover pedophile network adds links to websites of other pedophiles who openly promote pedophilia and distribute photos of children they know in real life

This website’s DNS A record points to BuyVM (Frantech Solutions) servers, not surprisingly. Pedophiles choose this company because they know they are protected

This website promotes “MAPs” (Minor Attracted Person) websites and websites related to pedophile forums hosted in Tor Network. JuangForum, currently the website seems to be down on the tor network but it has a version on the clear web as well
When investigating jungsforum, I notice that it has a version on the clear web and I check the DNS records to see the IP address of the server that hosts this pedophile forum, it is Frantech Solutions

This pedophile forum is on the same pedophile network as the other pedophile forums, they all seem to be members of the BoyLover network. This pedophile forum is a “GirlLover” forum, pedophiles meet to talk about underage girls. This is a pedophile network just like BoyLover.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the owner of the server where this pedophile forum is hosted is Buyvm. Even this pedophile forum or pedophile chat room is exclusive, the administrators have to accept you so no one knows what happens behind the chat. deindexed content hosted in Frantech Solutions.

This is vomiting, disgusting and terrifying. How can this exist? How can anyone allow this? How can a server hosting company be complicit in pedophile networks
The organization of Christian pedophiles is also here, it seems that Christian pedophiles created a pro-pedophile forum to talk about children and Christianity. The owner of the religious boylover pedophile forum decided to be a BuyVM client and host the pedophile forum in this host owned by Francisco Dias

Another pedophile forum where members of the boylover network can write freely with other pedophiles. To no one’s surprise, this pedophile forum is hosted on BuyVM (Frantech Solutions), I’m already tired of writing it. it’s so obvious

This is another website that is about the same thing, pedophiles members of the boylover pedophile network being clients of Frantech Solutions

legarcon is a pedophile forum in French that is similar to boychat but in French. This pedophile forum is also a client of Frantech Solutions. All the content of the forum, including the pedophile conversations, is hosted on bulletproof servers at Frantech Solutions. This pedophile forum also has its version on the Tor network, which is also hosted by Frantech Solutions.
This website is a website created in 2004 that is still alive, Frantech Solutions is the hosting provider of this website and forum as well.

The openly pedophile owner has a pedophile forum with private access on the same Frantech Solutions servers and together with other members of the “GirlLover” pedophile network promote pedo on the site

Although the pedophile forum is private, pedophiles have a public magazine where they openly promote pedophilia, child sexual abuse and other nefarious things. a magazine in PDF format where these pedophiles show photos of children without their consent, promote pedophilia and child abuse along with the legalization and normalization of this.

In addition to this, they also recommend security and encryption methods to the members of the pedophile network to speak on the Internet, this includes using Tor network.

It basically seems like a tutorial on how not to get caught by the police or intelligence agencies chasing pedophiles, Frantech Solutions does absolutely nothing against this and helps this be on the internet. It is not hidden that this company is a company that provides hosting provider services to criminals, for many years many media outlets have mentioned these activities.
In an article in The New Yorker, a journalist investigates the activities of a website that promoted Nazism and white supremacy. The journalist manages to contact the CEO of Frantech Solutions named Frascisco Dias and tries to find out why he allows such a website to be hosted on his hosting provider

Francsco Dias says in response to the newspaper that the neo-Nazi website did not break any laws, Dias (CEO of Frantech) tells him that he prefers to remain neutral and do nothing. The journalist argues that the website does break a law but Dias seems not to want to suspend the service. Also according to The New Yorker’s investigation, Frantech Solution also hosted Kiwi Farms’ harassment forum in the past.
News website Computerweekly released a report detailing how criminals store malware on Frantech Solutions bulletproof servers. The report refers to the fact that it is a bulletproof hosting company where hackers host malware that is used to infect victims by email.
the HP portal where they talk about cybersecurity and computer threats, they repeatedly mentioned Frantech Solutions and make reference to the fact that it is used by hackers to distribute malware

In the article uploaded to the HP website they mention that the company Frantech Solutions is a kind of “bulletproof host”, which means that they ignore reports of abuse regarding people who use the Internet abusively.
In an article uploaded in 2021, it is mentioned that a malware named Krane was distributed and hosted from servers at Frantech Solutions. in cujoAI they mention Frantech Solutions as a bulletproof hosting provider that stores phishing campaigns, malware “and other illegal activities”
It seems that Frantech Solutions / BuyVM / PONYNET host a lot of malware and according to many people they ignore any reports of malware abuse. (New Threat Alert: Krane Malware)
dailykos news portal shows how shady the owner of Frantech Solutions (BuyVM) is and the shady websites hosted on Frantech Solutions. A DaiyKos peridosite conducted different investigations where it seems that he discovered that the CEO of Frantech Solutions adds false addresses in the records

He seems to have filled out some of his domain registrations with fake addresses; for example what he claimed as the permanent address of BuyVM was actually the the San Jose branch office of the IRS. Frantech Solutions listed its contact address as an LLC registration office in Wyoming. These efforts at concealing his actual contact information makes Frantech look like a fly-by-night operation. – DaiyKos
A computer portal mentioned that PONYNET (Frantech Solutions / BuyVM) ASNs were used by cybercriminals to distribute malware over the Internet

In the article on this news portal it is mentioned that BuyVM was a bulletproof host and that criminals probably used it because since the servers were in the United States, illegal activities could not be seen as suspicious for cybersecurity systems anymore. The host is not in a country with few internet laws.
In an article in Krebsonsecurity where the author of a malware called “mirai” related to botnets and computer attacks is investigated, the CEO of Frantech Solutions is mentioned in the article.

The creator of Mirai malware sent an abuse report to Francisco Dias regarding another malware hosted at Frantech called Qbot, Francisco Dias (CEO of Frantech) refused to suspend service to the malware

“Francisco Dias, owner of hosting provider Frantech, found out firsthand what it would cost to ignore one of Anna’s abuse reports” – KrebsonSecurity
The hacker who created the Mirai botnet mentioned on lowendtalk.com that Francisco had ignored a report of malware abuse. Out of anger at ignoring reports of abuse, Anna launched an attack on the servers of the bulletproof host BuyVM and disconnected them for a certain time due to the Mirai botnet.
After this, the CEO of Frantech Solutions disconnected the server where the Qbot malware was hosted and suspended the service, so that hacker stops attacking Frantech Solutions.
Frantech Solutions is registered in Canada in the name of a single person. Currently in the history of company creations there are 2 that match this name. These 2 companies are registered with the same name located in Canada, British Columbia as Frantech Solutions, as this is the case they have different IDs for example FM0466240 and FM0628346

The last company with the name Frantech was registered on March 4, 2014 with the number FM0628346, the company is registered as “Sole Proprietorship” which means that it is operated by a single person.

The company number is 815116835, a name that was mentioned in legal documents linked to a lawsuit against the CEO of Frantech Solutions for allegedly being complicit in a piracy website and for ignoring reports of DMCA abuse. The case has the identification 2:19-cv-00104 and can be searched by anyone, the case was concluded by the US District Court Eastern District of Texas

Francisco Humberto Dias, better known as the CEO of Frantech Solutions, was sued in 2019, accused of being an accessory to a book piracy website and being a business partner of the website.

According to the plaintiff named John Van Stry, the CEO of Frantech Solutions was complicit and did the best thing the owner of this bulletproof hosting knows how to do, ignoring reports of abuse.On the piracy news portal called torrentfreak, 2 articles were published regarding this where these actions

John Van Stry sued the owner of BuyVM because he accused him of being complicit in the piracy website, since he knew the laws that the site violated and did not suspend the host service. The owner of BuyVM was fully aware of this, and decided to ignore it and be a kind of accomplice. as it does with the other sites
- Former Pirate Party Leader Asks to Be Sued Over EBook Site, Has Wish Granted
- Bring ebook.bike to Justice
Frantech Solutios (BuyVM) provides hosting to websites that want to be on the Tor network with the motto of “Freedom of Speech”. This hosting service provided by Frantech Solutions gives its clients access to create websites on the dark net under the motto of Freedom of Speech and combating censorship.
For this reason, earlier in the investigation it was shown how a pedophile forum had a domain on the Tor network, a domain that ended in .onion. As a note, for BuyVM customers to have websites or servers connected to the Tor, they manually have to agree for their users to have access to the Tor network.

The pedophile forum has a version on the Tor network so that child sexual predators can talk anonymously among themselves. Does this mean that someone at Frantech Solutions agreed for this to happen? mm YES. Frantech now not only provides a bulletproof server to pedophiles, knowing that they are one. Now it also provides them with privacy and encryption.
The first time I had a conversation with the CEO of Frantech Solutions was at the end of 2022, where I was surprised to learn that NAMBLA was hosted by BuyVM. At that time I had more innocence about what the Internet was, I couldn’t imagine that there were bulletproof that accepted pedophile clients.

Basically the CEO of BuyVM knew about NAMBLA and refused to suspend the service since “being a right shitty person on the internet isn’t illegal” according to Francisco Hunberto Dias. After this, he told me “I need a shower.” Like he wasn’t taking the conversation seriously. He didn’t even know me and we were talking. After this I mentioned to him that NAMBLA had drawing images that in the United States is considered CSAM since he previously told me that he had not been warned that NAMBLA hosted CSAM

After this, he responded with a new excuse telling me to send the information to NCMEC or the feds (FBI) and stated that if these 2 government organizations did not tell him anything, NAMBLA did not violate any laws. After this, he told me that terrorist organizations in the past had been hosted on US servers and stated that it was for “freedom of speech.”

which at that time I did not know and it did not even cross my mind that someone could allow hosting websites related to terrorism, Francisco labels these websites as “freedom of speach”. As a note, this message was before the one he sent me, his response to this message is above that message

After all the messages, he told me that he would have a neutral position with NAMBLA, he mentioned a law that protects these sites and basically after all this he never suspended the host service to NAMBLA.
A few months after this, in 2023 I made a new abuse report about a pedophile forum that was a client of Frantech Solutions (BuyVM). This forum calls itself FakeTheBitch. This happened a few months after the domain cumonprintedpics.com was suspended, this was the second forum of the owner of COPP.
Thinking about the child protection of victims of exploitation in the second forum, I make a report of abuse again to Frantech Solutions but this time about something much more serious.

The pedophile members of the pedophile forum publish posts with very obvious and repulsive titles, worse than any BoyLover forum. from words like “child porn, no limit, 11 to 13, young adolescents” and among others. I wrote the abuse report thinking that Francisco was going to have a little humanity and he was going to realize that this was too wrong and that he was going to suspend the service of a pedophile

To my surprise, he insulted me and then told me to open a new ticket and that “maybe” they would investigate the abuse report. yes.. this despite seeing the previous links where CSAM was openly distributed. He then told me that NCMEC and cybertip had not told him about that website, then he recommended that I report the content to cybertip.

My response was respectful, I even apologized if anything had affected him from my previous comments (despite me not having done anything). It seems that he didn’t like my answer and as a form of “retaliation” or “punishment” he would now not help me with my abuse report for not doing what he told me, and then he sent me to NCMEC and cybertip

After that message from Francisco, I got tired and told him a summary of what is in this investigation, mentioning some pedophile forums that use their infrastructure to be online on the clear web. After this, the conversation changed and he completely ignored the original report and did absolutely nothing to remove the child sexual abuse material (CSAM) even when the titles and URLs were evident.

of all the arguments I told him, the first thing he focused on was that I spelled his name wrong… and then in summary he told me that claiming to be a pedophile and talking about it was not illegal. Then he says the only thing against pedophilia that I heard him say, and that is that he would vote for the president who “rolls out the guillotine for all”. but he seems to have no problem making money off of pedophiles

After this I sent him a message mentioning titles like “child porn” that were on the pedophile forum called FakeTheBitch and he replied that it was clickbait and in some strange way he related this to “incest porn.”

He basically told me that the names (titles) of the forum posts didn’t mean anything, that it was clickbait. Personally, I think he didn’t go to the URLs because that wasn’t clickbait.

Then I replied sarcastically and sent him an imgur link. After this, he closed the abuse report ticket and did nothing against the pedophile forum or the URLs sent with child pornography. The image uploaded to Imgur was uploaded on January 25, 2023 for a post on Reddit about the pedophilia forum. I sent him this photo and he responded by closing the abuse report ticket.

My question here is.. what is happening here?
He helps, protects and even earns thousands of dollars a year thanks to pedophiles and pedophile networks and he even has the time to insult me and correct my spelling mistakes. but he refuses to investigate a report of child pornography abuse and a pedophilia forum and punishes a person for not doing what he said and as a “punishment” he does not investigate a report of CSAM abuse
My question here is, what is happening? Even when I sent him a screenshot, his response was to close the abuse report ticket (even knowing that the report was real).
In my opinion, BuyVM’s business model is similar to that of a bank in a tax haven, they are in gray areas of the law, they look the other way when they have to and they don’t ask too many questions. The difference between a bank in a tax haven is that BuyVM is located in Canada and the majority of servers in the USA, they are first world countries with laws that fight against illegal content on the internet.
but it seems that Francisco Dias seems to have a solution to the legal problems of Canada and the USA, for that reason he has rented servers in LUXEMBOURG

Frantech Solutions rented these servers because Luxembourg has more lax laws regarding the Internet, which means that he will not have legal problems for activities that would be illegal in the USA or Canada. For this reason, on the Frantech Solutions website, these data centers are promoted as good for privacy and freedom of speech. In bulletproof hosting language, “freedom of speech” means that your service will not be suspended for things that would normally suspend customers at other hosting companies.
According to the IP analysis tool called IPInfo, BuyVM has more than 7,936 IP addresses under his name that currently come from Luxembourg. It was not difficult to find out the real address in Luxembourg of the data center used by Frantech , the data center seems to be owned by Root SA and LUX Connect

The data center in Luxembourg seems to be in an industrial zone along with other companies located in this country, Root SA seems to provide services to rent these data centers.
Unbeknownst to the technology company that owns the data centers, it appears that Frantech Solutions uses this server farm to “help Internet freedom of speech.”
The meaning of freedom of speech for Francisco Dias:
- zoophilia websites (animal sexual abuse)
- Pedophile forums
- Child sexualization websites
- Pedophilia promotion promotion
- Piracy websites
- Neo-nazi websites
Francisco Dias poses as a freedom of expression activist to make money from unethical activities that border on illegality and in some cases even illegal. Francisco does not believe in freedom of expression

When using search engines, I found a section of buyvm.com where it mentions the company that provides data centers called Root SA, Here everything is more evident because Francisco mentions that in Luxembourg there are no DMCA laws. And as I said before, Francisco Dias rents these data centers in a country with few laws regarding the internet to provide infrastructure to clients who want to host content that is illegal in the USA or Canada, but not in Luxembourg.
Francisco Humberto Dias: “It is an excellent location for freedom of speech content and content that would receive great scrutiny in places like the United States.”
An example of this is when analyzing the IP address of the NAMBLA website, the IP address comes from the data center in Luxembourg, where Francisco has rented the servers, a data center owned by Root SA.

In Canada or the United States, I don’t think anyone can promote child sexual abuse, use random images of children to sexualize them and say that pedophilia is normal and among other things on the Internet, but I don’t know if Luxembourg has these types of laws child protection on the internet.
Disguising these activities as “freedom of expression” is terrible, this simply demonstrates the type of person Francisco is, someone who has no scruples who benefits monetarily from pedophilia.
Frantech Solutions / BuyVM has rented servers in data centers in Las Vegas and New Jersey, where suspicious websites are also hosted. The first one I am going to analyze is the New Jersey datacenter. Locating this datacenter was somewhat more difficult because the whois information of the Frantech Solutions IPv4 address seems false and random.
The servers rented by Frantech Solutions in the New Jersey data center do not appear to show it as a location for “freedom of speech” and “privacy” as was the case with the Luxembourg servers.

by analyzing the IPv4 address you can see a physical address, which is not related to any server owned by Francisco. but if the address coniside with an LLC business registrar in Wyoming.

It is possible that for this reason a member of DailyKos accused Frantech of a fly-by-night operation, even so I continued looking for an alternative to see who owned the data center where Francisco rents servers in New Jersey. I started looking for data centers in New Jersey that matched the image uploaded by Fran and finally found the data center along with the real address of the server data center in New Jersey

The owner of the data center is QTS, a Datacenter provider. The name of the data center is Piscataway Data Center. The servers rented from Frantech Solutions in the state of New Jersey are physically there.

The other data center located in Las Vegas, according to buyvm, is owned by the data center provider called FiberHub. a data center company that has a server farm in Las Vegas, Dallas, Sattlie and Miami

This data center is called “LAS1” and is located next to a Las Vegas airport. promotes itself as a cheap data center for companies just starting

The Las Vegas data center has little information regarding it, personally I don’t think that either the fiberhub data center or the QTS data center know that BuyVM is bulletproof hosting
BuyVM uses different external server providers that are linked to Frantech Solutions servers. The different providers change depending on where the server data center is located. First of all, the third-party server infrastructure companies that are connected to the Luxembourg network where most of the illegal content is such as pedophile forums, child pornography websites, piracy sites and among others.

The server companies connected to the infrastructure in Luxembourg are TeliaSonera, Lvel 3 Communications, PCCW Global and cognet communication. These infrastructure companies are being used by Frantech Solutions to provide infrastructure to disgusting and illegal websites in the United States without these infrastructure companies knowing.

in the new jersey location the third party server companies are Hurricane Electric, Level 3 Communications, NTT Communications and nLayer Communications. in the las vegas location the third party server companies are Hurricane Electric , Cogent Communications and China Telecom (CN2)

Frantech Solutions (Buyvm) uses some payment methods so that its clients and pedophile networks send money for the bulletproof hosting service. Third party services that will not be happy if they knew about the activities carried out by Frantech Solutions (BuyVM). services like Paypal or Stripe

These transaction companies are used by these pedophile networks and pedophile clients to send money in exchange for the bulletproof provider service and access to the Tor network (dark web). KYC regulations force banks to know customer information to avoid illegal activities in their banks. Many banks have suspended service to many companies for being related to illegal activities.
3 years ago VISA and Mastercard suspended the service to pornhub because it was discovered that it was used by pedophiles and sex offenders to distribute illegal content. This is an example of many, most reputable banks suspend the accounts of users or companies that are related to illegal or suspicious activities. since they do not want to have problems with these regulations

I have seen suspensions of payment services for much less than this, this is very serious and the fact that this is happening under Canadian and American soil is also serious. using devstools we can find information about the company account used by Frantech Solutions in the bank called Stripe.

In the Alipay payment method the name of the company is shown directly on the screen of the person who is going to pay. the company name is FRANTECH/BUYVM same as stripe

In Paypal it is more difficult to obtain information from the user/company but it is not impossible. In the case of Paypal, users have to log in to be shown the API that provides the information. I will not start on PayPal. Despite this, probably the company name in Paypal of this bulletproof hosting is FRANTECH/BUYVM as in the previous 2 payment methods (Stripe and Alipay)
Frantech Solutions / BuyVM / PONYNET uses IPv4 and IPv6 addresses purchased from ARIN, this is a US organization that sells IP addresses to internet service providers such as ISPs. This includes hosting companies. Most if not all of Frantech Solutions’ IP addresses originate from ARIN, IP addresses that are being used by criminals such as pedophiles who have sinister objectives on the Internet.

In the whois information of Frantech Solution provided by ARIN tools, it can be found that all IP addresses are in the name of Francisco Dias and Frantech Solutions. The company address appears to be another ghost location. BuyVM appears to be a shell company as it has no physical location. There are no Frantech Solutions or BuyVM offices in Canada or any other country.
Frantech Solutions appears to operate under different names such as Frantech Solutions, BuyVM, BuyVM Services and these repeat names. all of these names appear in ARIN records. information

The IP addresses used by Frantech Solutions are mostly from ARIN, although Francisco Dias is registered in RIPE NCC, he did not notice that there are IP addresses or ASNs coming from RIPE NCC

in the public records of RIPE NCC it is shown how Francisco Dias is registered with his company telephone number, address (shell address), contact email and in countries where they provide service it shows that he is “LU” which is the acronym for Luxembourg.
These data centers provide service to Frantech Solutions without knowing what this bulletproof hosting does, these server data center providers provide servers to many hosting companies in the world. Is the harmful content hosted on the servers of Root S.A in Luxembourg only? and the answer is No, harmful and even illegal content is also found in data centers in the United States.
In the data centers of Quality Technology Services (New Jersey) and FiberHub (Las Vegas) there is also harmful content and even to the level that it violates the child protection laws of the United States. An example of this is the lolicon child pornography website and pedophile forum that is hosted at Frantech Solutions / BuyVM , in the Quality Technology Services data center.

the level of obvious and disclaimer that the owner of the pedophile website added a banner saying that they also have a version of the website on the dark web. Even in the registration section of the pedophile forum there is an option to hide “Pedophilia talk”, a section of the forum where pedophiles talk to other pedophiles similar to the other pedophile forums that are hosted on BuyVM.

by using the DNS Lookup tool you can see that the IP address is registered in Frantech Solutions, the Geolocation shows in New York, United States, the closest city to the QTS datacenter
Lolicon in the USA is considered child pornography and the distribution of this is illegal, but it seems that Frantech Solutions does not care too much about the consequences of violating United States law.

This is not the only sites related to CP hosted in a data center in the USA, here are 2 other example websites that openly display themselves as “lolicons”. these 2 websites hosted in the same datacenter. This is a bulletproof host in the USA, a corrupt hosting that the owner is capable of rubbing shoulders with pedo networks to earn a little more money under the guise of “defense of freedom of speech.”
As we saw previously, Frantech Solutions ignores reports of abuse not only of child pornography, pedophilia, malware, botnet and other types of illegal content. In the whois records of the IPv4 addresses of Frantech Solutions, the email address [email protected] and [email protected] is shown, and if someone sends an abuse report there, it is completely ignored.
Basically the alleged abuse team at Frantech Solutions does not answer and probably does not even check the email. For that reason I registered and have an account at Frantech Solutions / BuyVM

The only departments that open a ticket and speak alleged Frantech Solutions / BuyVM employees are sales, general support, and billing. but there is no officially an abuse department, since the abuse department is hidden and they can only request a new ticket to report abuse if the administrators manually added you to the abuse department.

I was manually added to the abuse department by the CEO of Frantech Solutions named Francisco Dias, solely to insult me, ignore the abuse and be rude about it and then close the abuse report ticket.
In the different conversations with the CEO of Frantech Solutions he sent me to cybertip and NCMEC to anonymously report the CSAM so that these organizations could then speak with the CEO of Frantech Solutions. NCMEC and Cybertip / FBI can take even more than 3 months to delete illegal content, in some cases even much longer. In 2021 alone, more than 20 million reports were sent to NCMEC.
There is a US law that requires hosting and social media providers based in the United States to report any illegal content related to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) to NCMEC. Therefore, once the abuse report has been created by me, Franisco should report the content to NCMEC

Francisco Humberto Dias refused to take any action against illegal content related to CSAM when I made the abuse report in 2023 and did not even submit an abuse report to NCMEC warning of CSAM
U.S Department of Justice: 42 U.S.C. § 13032 requires anyone that is engaged in providing an electronic communication service to the public, and obtains knowledge of a violation of the child pornography statutes to report such violation to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). A failure to report is subject to a civil fine of up to $50,000 in the first instance and $100,000 for any subsequent failure. – Source
It is for this reason that all social networks and hosting companies have links to NCMEC, since according to federal law it is mandatory. but does this count for Frantech Solutions? Yes. it is registered as a company in Canada but the company rents servers in data centers in the United States, servers that are currently owned by Frantech Solutions.
We all know what a child sexual predator does in a forum with other pedophiles, all these forums open to the public are a public danger for all children, all this while Francisco Dias is complicit in this. In this article it was demonstrated that Frantech Solutions provided services to access the Tor network and have a pedo in .onion to an owner of a BoyLover pedophile forum, even knowing what his client was doing.
thus providing the ability to have privacy and encrypted conversations to pedophiles on a pedophile forum from Tor Browser, this totally rules out the idea that this is a honypot operation. Every year pedophile networks finance Frantech Solutions with cents or thousands of dollars so that Frantech / BuyVM continues providing the bulletproof servers that protect these sexual predators and groomers.

There is a whole operation of these pedophile networks that uses the bulletproof hosting services of Frantech Solutions. The CEO of Frantech Solutions knows this and has been complicit in this for many years. AS a coincidence, the BoyLover pedophile network also uses NForce host the DNS servers connected to all domains of this pedo network. the same company that the pedo behind COPP used.

This same company was criticized by the Minister of the Netherlands for being one of the hosting companies in Europe that hosts the most child pornography despite being an average hosting company.

NForce for years was considered a bulletproof host company used by thousands of pedophiles, this same company was used by COPP for more than 2 months and is currently being used by a pedophile network.

In the same article, a hosting company called IP Volume is mentioned, mentioning that it was one of the companies with the most child abuse content in the world and that when they tried to report abuse the company not only ignored them but also hindered them. bulletproof hosting with all the letters.

This hosting company was precisely used by COPP from 2013 to 2020 to host thousands of images of non-consensual pornography and child pornography. 3 years later they used NForce and now BuyVM.
CumOnPrintedPics was a pedophile forum that was suspended in 2023, the main domain of the forum stopped working until today. For that reason, the owner of the pedophile forum registered more domains.

The first domain he purchased was publictributes, which after 2 months of being active was suspended by the hosting provider named NForce., which suspended the service for hosting a lot of child pornography.
1 month after this, the owner of the pedophile forum bought another domain with the name tributeprintedpics.com and hosted COPP on Frantech Solutions. This happened 6 months ago and the forum with illegal activity is still active thanks to the complicity of Francisco Dias.
In 2019 someone on bitchute made a video about this, exposing not only the activities of CumOnPrintedPics but also exposing the members of the forum. I started researching this and wrote the article only because tributeprintedpics.com became a client of Frantech Solutions.
I should thank COPP since it was thanks to this that I began the investigation revealing all this great corruption and the deeply reprehensible activities that this company has.
Here is the timeline of the article, this will help you if you are looking for a specific topic and do not want to search for it manually in the article.