find the email provider of a domain (MX Lookup)
The websites have personalized contact or support emails. such as [email protected] and these websites mostly use email providers to send and receive emails. Website email providers are often not visible with common methods. since personalized emails do not end with @gmail.com or @tutanota.me. with OSINT methods if the name of the service provider can be…
DNS: analyze the DNS of a domain and websites
By analyzing the DNS (Domain Name System) with OSINT methods, you can obtain very valuable information from a website, such as the IP address, MX Records (Email Providers) , TXT Records and among others. this is very useful. With tools like DNS Lookup and DNS Checker you can analyze and collect domain information. Personally, I…
view whois history of any website
Whois is a tool to collect information about Internet domains. With this tool you can find out contact and domain registration information. and even the name and contact information of the website owner. This is very useful when you are using OSINT methods to investigate a target, but there are times that the target has…
how to know which hosting company is behind any website?
Hosting companies provide servers for website storage, these are responsible for hosting the website. and OSINT techniques can be used to know the name of the server company behind a website With tools such as digital whois, Who Hosts This Site and other tools it is easy to know the name of the server company.…