OSINT methods on the social network ok.ru with email or phone number

ok.ru is a social network based in Russia. Today I will teach in this article how to obtain user information based on their email or phone number linked to ok.ru manually and without scripts or tools uploaded to GitHub.

The first thing to do is to go to the login section of ok.ru and type in the phone number or email address of the person you’re trying to discover the profile.

Once you have entered your phone number or email address, press enter or log in without entering your account password. This will result in an error that the password is incorrect for the account you want to access.

Now in the URL of ok.ru we copy and paste the link the following link that will redirect us to a section that will provide us with user information such as name, phone number and censored email and other profile information.

This is sent by no alert to the email or phone number of the person who owns the account. ok.ru it won’t show us all the information of the account that has the number or email linked to it, but it will show us certain clues.

After obtaining this information, we will use OSINT methods to search for ok.ru users on the social network ok.ru, for this we have to log in to our accounts.

the name of the account was “test t***” seeing that the 3 censored characters started with T it was easy that the last name configured in the account was “test” the same as the username, after this I started the search for users in ok.ru

In the search for ok.ru users what we did was to search for the name and surname but selecting only users who have an audience that the city is “Baki” and there I found the user who is 24 years old.

The last publication of the “Test Test” profile was in the year 2015, he lives in Baki and was born on March 2, 1999 according to the ok.ru account settings. So that’s how easy it is to get information with the email or phone number on ok.ru.

OSINT tools uploaded to github:

On GitHub there are 2 tools written in Python to be run in console where you can do this but from a console and only by typing the phone number or email address. You don’t need to do the other manually in ok.ru.

the OSINT tool named odnoklassniki-checker uploaded by OSINT-mindset does exactly this. although for a newbie to OSINT it is likely to be difficult to use it as they do not know how to use a console or do not have linux.

This tool, according to its creator, is based on ok_checher, another tool uploaded to GitHub related to OSINT in ok.ru. But it looks like the odnoklassniki-checker tool is up-to-date and better

The tool written in Python named “ok_checker” was uploaded to GitHub 4 or 5 years ago by user “shllwrld” and contributor Soxoj built on it to create a more up-to-date OSINT tool for ok.ru.